Europa facts: fun facts about the Europa |funfactquotes

Europa facts: fun facts about the Europa |funfactquotes

 Basic facts related to Europa satellite

 Age: Europa is believed to have been born with Jupiter around 450 million years ago.

 Distance from the Sun: The average distance of the sun from Europa is 78 million kilometers. (Earth has about 150 million kilometers.)

 Distance: While the distance between Earth and its moon is 3,84,000 km, the distance between Europa and Jupiter is 6,70,900 km. Europa makes a round of Jupiter around three and a half days of the Earth. While moving around Jupiter, it keeps only one side of Jupiter like our moon keeps one side of the earth.

 Nomenclature: Europa is the name of a princess in ancient Greek myths who was abducted by Zeus as a white bull. Europa became the mother of Minos from Zeus. (The god Zeus occupies the same place in the Greek myths as in the Hindu myths. The god Indra.)

 Who discovered the europa satellite?

 The Europa satellite was discovered by Galileo on 8 January 1610 AD. Although he had discovered this satellite a day earlier, ie on 7 January, he had a low-capacity telescope on this day, so that he could not distinguish between another satellite of Jupiter and Jupiter.

 Galileo had also discovered three other satellites of Jupiter, including Europa - Lo, Ganymede and Callisto (Io, Ganymede, and Callisto).

 The four satellites of Jupiter discovered by Galileo are called Galilean moons.

 Europa has more water than Earth 

 The Europa satellite is special because all scientists believe that there is a huge water body on Europa, which can be more than 100 kilometers in depth. There are many reasons to believe that -

 1. First, the surface of Europa looks smooth and it looks like a sea of ​​ice on the earth. Scientists believe that the upper surface of Europa is made up of ice and there is a huge sea below it. (Because the temperature at Europa is very low, it is probably because the water above it freezes.)

 2.Europa's light reflectivity is 0.64 which is one of the highest among all satellites in the entire solar system. This ability to convert light can only be caused by water.

 3. There are a lot of cracks on the Europaans that feel snowy. Scientists believe that when Europa comes close to the rotating Jupiter, its water rises due to tidal forces, because the surface of Europa is frozen ice, so it rises up, which when viewed from a distance, can see a crack. She comes.

 4. Pits (craters) have been found very rarely on Europa, indicating that the surface of Europa is functional. The meteorite falls on almost all rocky bodies of darasal to form large pits which are called craters. But the pits are not formed on Europa because when a meteor falls on it, it breaks down the surface of the ice and goes down and then freezes below the low temperature water.

 5. The Galileo probe sent to Jupiter has discovered that Europa has a weak magnetic field that constantly changes. This is evidence that the conductive substance beneath the surface of Europa is existing - perhaps an ocean of salty water.

 6. In 2013, the Hubble telescope saw something like a water spur at the South Pole of Europa, which was probably water.

 In view of all these things, now scientists are very sure that there is a huge sea of ​​water on Europa, under which there is a hard surface of rocks, and there is a layer of ice frozen above it.
 The right part of the above picture is the Earth, and the blue circle on it shows the total amount of water on the Earth. There is water on the three-fourth surface of the Earth but its depth is nothing compared to the radius of the Earth. The radius of the ball made of the entire water of the Earth will be about 700 km.

 The picture shows the europa and the amount of water on it to the left. The amount of water in Europa is more than the amount of water on Earth. The water on Europa is about 80–100 km deep below its surface. The ball made of Europaan water will have a diameter of 877 km.

 Life can be on europea

 Due to the water on the satellite, many scientists are hopeful that there can be life under water on Europa. If there are no organisms, then maybe vegetation can happen.

 Europa produces ten times as much oxygen as hydrogen, which increases the likelihood of life on it, just like on Earth.

 There are proposals to send several expeditions to Europa on the quest for water and life. There is also a proposal to land a vehicle on Europa. The vehicle will have a nuclear heat-generating part that melts the surface ice and tilts into Europa until it either enters the ocean or proves that there is no such sea . Because scientists believe that the surface of the upper ice is more than 10 km thick, this vehicle will have to be sunk very deep to reach the sea.

 It is also necessary for such a vehicle to have so much power in it that it can send and receive signals to the earth. Apart from this, this vehicle itself can choose its own direction because it will take a few minutes to reach the signal from the earth.

 Europaan atmosphere

 Europa has a very thin atmosphere that contains mostly molecular oxygen. The number of this air is so low that the air pressure on the Earth is ten trillion times higher than Europa.


 The impact of Jupiter's radiation on Europa's surface is considerable. There is an average of 540 REM of radiation on the surface every day. If a person has to live in these conditions, then he is sure to get lethal radiation disease.

 Plate tectonics

 In the year 2014, scientists found that Europa has a plate tectonics system like the Earth. Till now it was only the earth on which such a system has been found, the plate tectonics system has helped a lot in the flourishing of life on earth.
