Jupiter facts : Interesting facts about Jupiter |funfactquotes

Jupiter facts : Interesting facts about Jupiter |funfactquotes

 Jupiter is the fifth planet in distance from the Sun.  It is larger than all other planets in size and mass (weight).  It looks the brightest from the earth after the sun, moon and Venus.
 Jupiter Planet Profile - Jupiter Planet Profile

 Mass Mass - 18,98,130 trillion kilograms (317.83 times more than the Earth)
 Equ Equator Diameter - 1,42,984 km
 Pol Polar Diameter - 1,33,709 km
 Equ Equaterial Circumference - 4,39,264 km
 ➡ Known Satellite - 67
 दूरी Distance from the Sun - 77 million 83 lakh 40 thousand 821 kilometers or 5.2 AU (1 AU = distance of the Earth from the Sun)
 ➡ One Year - equivalent to 11.86 years (4332.82 days) of Earth
 औसतन Average surface temperature - -108 ° C

 1. The mass of Jupiter alone is two and a half times larger than the total mass of all the other planets.  317.83 times more than the Earth.

 2. One day of Jupiter is shorter than all other planets.  It takes a turn in front of its axis in only 9 hours 55 minutes.

 3. Jupiter's atmosphere is made up of many layers of clouds and patios.  The images of Jupiter that we are able to see are of the layers and boxes of these clouds situated above Jupiter.  These clouds are colored due to the chemical reactions of various elements.

 4. Jupiter has its surface under clouds which is not gaseous but solid.  The gaseous density of this increases with depth.
 5. Jupiter is composed of 90% hydrogen, 10% percent helium and some amount of methane, water, ammonia and rocky particles.

 6. A tornado has been going on Jupiter for the last 350 years which is made up of red clouds.  This tornado is so big that it can contain three earths.  It looks like a spot when seen in pictures and it is also called Jupiter's red eye.  Actually it is a high pressure area with clouds much higher and colder than the surrounding areas.  Some other small tornadoes have also been seen on Saturn and Neptun including Jupiter.  Scientists have not yet been able to find out how these areas of high pressure persist for so long.

 7. In 1610, Galileo first saw Jupiter with a telescope.  He discovered the four largest satellites of the planet - Ayo, Europe, Ganymede and Callisto.  These satellites are now called Galilean satellites.  Of these, the Ganymede satellite is the largest satellite in the solar system, which is bigger than the planet Mercury

 8. Galileo had continuously tracked Jupiter for many years with a telescope.  At that time it was believed that the Earth is at the center of all the universe and all the rest of the bodies are revolving around the Earth.  But Galileo found that Jupiter's satellites are moving faster and stop appearing for a few months.  This proved that Jupiter's satellites are orbiting it.  From this, it became clear that all the heavenly bodies are not orbiting the earth.  When Galileo put his point in front of the public, he faced opposition from fundamentalist Christianity, later apologizing for fear of punishment.

 9. A total of eight missions have been sent to Jupiter so far.  Pioneer 10 was first sent in 1973.  This was followed by Pioneer 11, Vyjar 1 and 2, Galileo, Cassini, Ulysses, and New Horizon.  Out of these, the Galileo vehicle sent on 10 October 1989 remained in the orbit of Jupiter for eight years.  The Galileo probe entered the orbit of Bahupati on 8 December 1995 and continued to operate until 21 September 2003.

 10. Many ancient civilizations knew about this planet.  According to Hindu beliefs, Brihaspati is the guru of the gods.  According to the Romans, Jupiter is the son of Saturn and the king of the gods, emperor of Olympus and protector of the Roman Empire.
