Neptune facts : Fun Facts about Neptune Planet |funfactquotes

 Neptune facts : Fun Facts about Neptune Planet |funfactquotes

 Neptune or Varuna is an orbiting planet according to the distance from the Sun. Because Pluto is no longer considered a planet, we can also call it the last planet in the solar system. It is the fourth largest in the solar system and third largest in terms of mass (weight) by diameter.

 Neptune Planet Profile - Profile of Neptune Planet

 Mass Mass: 1,02,410 trillion billion kilograms (17.15 times more than the Earth)

Average distance from Sun: 449 million 83 lakh 96 thousand 441 km (30.10 AU)

 ➡ One Year: equivalent to 164.79 years of Earth or 60,190 days

 ➡ Ground-center diameter: 49,528 km

 ➡ Polar diameter: 48,682 km

 ➡ Geostationary Circumference: 1,55,600 km

 Average surface temperature: -201 ° C

 ➡ Known Satellites: 14

 ➡ Known Rings: 5

 Interesting Facts about Neptune Planet - Facts of Neptune Planet

 1. Neptune being very far away from the earth, looks like a twinkling star with naked eyes, due to which the ancient people could not discover its planet.

 2. Neptune is the first planet to be estimated on mathematical basis. When scientists studied Uranus' orbit, they found that Uranus's orbit did not follow Newton's principles. This led to speculation that another planet affects the orbit of Uranus.

 3. Le Verrier of France and John Couch Adams of England independently calculated the location of Neptune based on the positions of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. On 23 September 1846, the planet was discovered near the calculated location.

 4. After the discovery of Neptune, a dispute arose between Adams and Le Vérier for the credit for the discovery of this planet. After this, both these scientists were credited with the discovery of Neptune. But later studies have shown that it deviates from the location of Neptune planted by both of these scientists and that Neptune's meeting at the place of calculations done by them was a coincidence.

 5. Even earlier when Galileo was studying Jupiter, he saw Neptune near Jupiter which he inscribed in the pictures he made. For two nights, he saw Neptune changing its location in the context of a star, but in later nights Neptune moved away from the frontier of Galileo's telescope. It is to be noted here that only the stars do not appear to be moving in the sky, only the planets, satellites and meteors etc. are seen moving. If Galileo had seen Neptune the previous few nights, he would have seen its speed and Galileo would have been credited with the discovery of this planet.

 6. The structure of Neptune is almost the same as that of Uranus. Like Uranus, it is mainly composed of rock and various types of ice. However, the color of Neptune is more blue than Uranus.

 7. The name 'Neptune' of this planet is named in ancient Roman religion on 'Neptune', considered to be the god of the sea. This is the place of 'Varuna Devta' in ancient India, so it is called Varuna in Hindi.

 8. So far, 14 satellites (moons) of Neptune have been discovered, of which Triton is the largest and most important. If the mass of all the satellites of Uranus is added, it will be less than half of the mass of the trite. Triton is the seventh largest satellite in the solar system. It is mainly made up of nitrogen and is one of the coldest places in the solar system.

 9. Neptune also has rings like other gassy planets. So far 5 of its rings have been discovered. The Newton rings are blurred like the rings of Jupiter and look broken (like an arc) when viewed by a telescope from Earth.

 10. Neptune is like a giant ball made of gas and ice, on which if you stand, you will go under it. But if you believe that you can walk on the surface of this, then you will be surprised because you will feel as if you are walking on the earth. The reason for this is that the gravity of Neptune is only 17 percent more than the gravity of the Earth. This gravity is the lowest difference from the Earth compared to any other planet.

 11. So far, only one campaign has reached Neptune. The Vyzer 2 spacecraft reached Neptune in 1989, which sent important information about the planet. It sent many pictures of this planet and its satellites. Apart from this, the Hubble telescope and some telescopes on earth have also gathered information about this planet.
