Pluto facts : Interesting facts about the planet Pluto |funfactquotes

Pluto facts : Interesting facts about the planet Pluto |funfactquotes

 Pluto is a dwarf planet. Earlier Pluto was also considered a planet but on 24 August 2006 it was removed from the class of planets by the International Astronomy Organization (IAU) and given the status of a 'dwarf planet'.

 Planet Pluto Profile - 

Planet Pluto Profile

 Mass: 13050 billion kg

 Diameter: about 2372 km

 Known Satellite: 5

 Distance from the Sun: 587 million 40 million kilometers or 39.26 AU (1 AU = distance between the Earth and the Sun.)

 One year: equivalent to 246.04 years of Earth

 Interesting facts about the planet Pluto - Facts of Pluto

 1. Pluto is smaller than the seven satellites of the planets of the Solar System, including the Earth's moon. Pluto is 65% of the diameter of the Earth's moon and only 18% of its mass.

 2. Pluto's orbit is very elliptical, due to which Pluto lives more near to the Sun than Neptun for almost twenty years. More recently, it was closer to the Sun than Neptun from January 1979 to February 1999.

 3. One-third of Pluto is made up of water ice which is three times more than the water present on earth. The remaining two-thirds of it is made of rocks. Its luminous regions are covered with snow of nitrogen to some extent with methane, ethane, and carbonamonoxide.

 4. Pluto's atmosphere is not fixed. When it is near the Sun, it is converted into frozen nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide gas, but when it is away from the Sun, it freezes again and has no atmosphere. Scientists want to send a vehicle to this planet when it does not have an atmosphere.

 5. So far 5 satellites of Moon have been discovered by Pluto. It is like this-

 Charan (Sheran) - Discovered in 1978

 Hydra and Nix (Hydra and Nix) - Both were discovered in 2005 by the Hubble telescope.

 Kerberos or P4 (Kerberos or P4) - Discovered in 2011.

 Styx or P5 (sticks or P5) - Discovered in 2012.

 6. So far only one spacecraft has been reached near Pluto and that is 'New Horizons'. The vehicle was launched on 19 January 2006 and passed by Pluto for a few hours on 14 July 2015. This vehicle took many pictures of this planet in such a period of time and also made many calculations. It is clearly visible in these pictures that there are many snowy mountain ranges on Pluto. In addition, it was also revealed that Pluto's size is larger than anticipated.

 7. Pluto's discovery was caused by a mistake in calculations based on the motion of Uranus and Neptun. According to this mistake, some other body (X) exerts influence on the orbit of Uranus and Neptun. Scientist Clyde Tambagh was unaware of this mistake and discovered Pluto by carefully inspecting the entire sky.

 8. But soon after the discovery of Pluto, it was found that this planet is so small that it cannot affect the orbit of any other planet.

 9. Scientists did not find out the error of this calculation until it was clear from the data obtained from Voyager 2 that the orbits of Uranus and Neptun follow Newton's laws and have no other X planetary influence on them. Would put Scientists kept searching this X planet even after the discovery of Pluto, till the data obtained from Voyager 2. But this X planet was not to be found because there was no X planet.
