Saturn facts : Interesting facts about Saturn |funfactquotes

Saturn facts : Interesting facts about Saturn |funfactquotes

 Saturn is 6th in distance from the Sun and is the largest planet after Jupiter.

 Planet Saturn Profile - Planet Saturn Profile

 Distance from Sun: 142 crore 66 lakh 66 thousand 422 km (9.58 AU)
 ➡ One year: equivalent to 29.45 years of Earth or 10,755.70 days
 ➡ one day: 10 hours 34 minutes
 Mass Mass: 5,68,319 trillion billion kilograms (95.16 times more than the Earth)
 ➡ Known Satellites: 62
 ➡ geo-linear diameter: 1,20,536 km
 ➡ Polar diameter: 1,02,728 km
 ➡ Scope of landline: 3,62,882 km
 औसतन Average surface temperature: -139 ° C
 1. Saturn can be seen with naked eyes from the Earth. It looks the brightest on Earth after the planets Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter.

 2. Saturn is the most flat planet. Its polar diameter is 90% of its geo-linear diameter. The reason for this is its low density and fast rotation in front of its axis.

 3. The planet Saturn completes a circle in front of its axis in just 10 hours and 34 minutes. In this way, one day after Jupiter (9 hours 55 minutes) is smaller than all the other planets.

 4. The density of the planet Saturn is less than all the other planets. Its density is only 0.7 as compared to liquid water. The diameter of the planet Saturn is 9 times greater than the diameter of the Earth, while the density is 8 times less.

 5. The internal and physical structure of Saturn is almost similar to that of Jupiter. Like Jupiter, Saturn is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium. Apart from this, there are parts of water, methane, ammonia and rocks. Like Jupiter, the nucleus of Saturn is rocky and the surrounding liquid is a layer of metallic hydrogen. Its surface is also gaseous.
 Ring of Saturn (rings) -

 1. Saturn is considered unique from the rest of the planets due to its large rings. If it is rings, then Jupiter, Uranus and Neptuchun also have Saturn rings more in number and size.

 2. Galileans first saw Saturn in 1610 through a telescope. Seeing the size of Saturn's wonder, he jokingly said - "Perhaps the planet Saturn has two ears". Subsequent discoveries revealed that this strange shape of Saturn is due to its rings.

 3. All the rings of Saturn are on one floor only. To understand its rings, it is divided into 14 main parts, of which 12 are rings and 2 spaces. It is like this-

 D ring

 C Ring

 B ring

 Cassini Divison (spaces)

 A ring

 Roche Divison (Spaces)

 F ring

 Janus ring

 G ring

 Methone Ring Arc

 Anthe ring arc

 Pallene ring

 E Ring

 Phocbe ring

 Out of these, rings A, B and C can be seen from the earth. The spaces between the rings A and B are called the Cassini divisions.

 4. Saturn's rings are made of small particles. These particles are mainly made of water ice, but they also include rocks. These particles range in size from a few centimeters to a few meters. These particles revolve independently of Saturn by staying in their rings.

 5. Although the diameter of Saturn's rings is more than 2 lakh 82 thousand kilometers, but their thickness is less than one kilometer. Compared to the vastness of these rings, the amount of material is very less. If the material of all rings is used to make an aerial body, then the size of that body will be less than 100 km.

 Missions to saturn

 So far, a total of 4 expeditions have gone to Saturn - Pioneer 11 (Pioneer 11), Vyjar 1 and 2 and Kasini. They are described in this way -

 Expedition-when sent-sent by-when was it placed in saturn's orbit

 1. Pioneer 11 - 6 April 1973 - USA - 1 September 1979
 It discovered some of Saturn's rings and satellites that were unknown until then.

 2.Veasure 1 - 5 September 1977 - US - 13 November 1980
 It sent 900 pictures of Saturn's satellites, gave many information about rings, and gave information about its satellite Titan's atmosphere.

 3.Veasure 2 - 20 August 1977 - US - 26 August 1981
 It sent 1150 photographs of Saturn's satellites and gave information about the structure of the planet.

 4. Cassini - 13 October 1997 - US, European Space Agency and Italy - 1 July 2004
 It made a total of 12 major discoveries that helped scientists understand Saturn's satellites, rings, atmosphere, and magnetic fields.
